Emu Editing
An editing partnership for your academic papers.
Unlike other editing companies, we will work closely with you to get the results you want. Through our personal editing experience, we aim to ensure your words are not lost in translation, to help you deliver clear, concise English for all your academic needs.
About Me
My name is Sara Takahashi (née Milward). An Australian married to a Japanese national living in Okinawa, Japan. A graduate from the Australian National University, Australia’s top-ranked university, I have over 10 years’ experience editing English for scientific documents ranging from academic papers in high impact factor journals and grant applications, to reviewer’s comments and important emails.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours before completing a PhD in Plant Sciences at ANU.
I currently live in Japan with my husband and two young boys.
Just Published
Recent collaborations
Green fluorescence from cnidarian hosts attracts symbiotic algae
Loss of symbiont infectivity following thermal stress can be a factor limiting recovery from bleaching in cnidarians
Moonrise timing is key for synchronized spawning in coral Dipsastraea speciosa
Environmental pH signals the release of monosaccharides from cell wall in coral symbiotic alga
Contact Me
Get in touch to start our editing partnership today.
Please email me at the below email address or use the contact form.
All correspondence is confidential and obligation-free.
Biimata, Okinawa, Japan